Steve: Buck. Do you remember me?
Bucky: ... Your mom's name was Sarah. You used to wear newspapers in your shoes.
Steve: *fond smile* Yeah. Buck--
Bucky: You used to get in fights in back alleys with guys three times your size.
Steve: Heh, yeah, I--
Bucky: You were always putting your ass in danger.
Steve: .... yeah--
Bucky: You jumped over explosions.
Steve: ... well--
Bucky: Off of buildings.
Steve: I kinda had to--
Bucky: Drove your fucking bike off of cliffs!
Steve: Hey, that was one time--
Bucky: Went alone to fight fifteen, twenty guys--
Sam: He still does that! Man, you should have seen him in our last mission in Alaska, he gave me a heart attack!
Bucky: I'm listening.
Steve: Oh boy.